Friday, 8 November 2013

Make Young People Your Business

The Apprenticeships in Scotland team are dedicated to improving the communication between the youth labour market and employers via our job board. Our Youth Opportunities Advisers welcome enquiries about how to take on an apprentice and will explain the necessary steps to allow you to make the best decision for you.

The recent Herald Scotland article “Half of SMEs hesitant to take on apprentices” states: “Around half of Scotland's small and medium sized enterprises seem reluctant to take on apprentices with many concerned about the potential costs and time involved, research shows.

In a survey of SMEs for Close Brothers 47% of respondents in Scotland seemed sceptical about the benefits of taking on apprentices." (READ MORE)

Apprenticeships in Scotland is a youth led organisation which is run by apprentices for other apprentices in Scotland. We firmly believe that SME’s can take on apprentices without a dedicated Human Resources department and that we are proof that it does work!

Call one of our Youth Opportunities Advisers today to discuss their story and help you take on a young person to start a journey with you. 

T: 01334 844 900 E:
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