Friday, 5 July 2013

Colin Dalrymple visits Apprenticeships in Scotland

The Apprenticeships in Scotland team welcomed Colin Dalrymple, Chief Executive of Scottish Training Federation to their office this week, where we spoke about youth unemployment and ways of developing Scotland’s young workforce, which is a key topic of the STF conference in September. Colin also met new members of the AiS team who are helping lead our in-house and client web and digital media services where we discussed some of the exciting new things that we have been working on, including our new soon to be launched website. Colin talked about partnerships that he has been developing and the conference that's happening this September which the AiS team will be attending.

Developing Scotland's Young Workforce is the theme for the 2013 STF conference, which was a huge success last year. Angela Constance, Youth Employment Minister for Scotland will be speaking at the event this year, along with John McLelland, current Chair of Skills Development Scotland.  The Apprenticeships in Scotland team are really looking forward to this conference, as it is a key event for networking with STF members.  We hope that by having all of these influential figures in one place and by strengthening relationships we can all help come up with the solution to youth unemployment.

If you haven’t already, click here to book a place at this year’s conference at Crieff Hydro in September 
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