Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Skills Development Scotland Launch 2013 Modern Apprenticeship Scheme

The SDS Launch of the 2013 Modern Apprenticeship Scheme took place at the Tennent’s Training Academy.

The lives of 25,000 young people in Scotland have been transformed in 2012/13 by taking up a Modern Apprenticeship (MA) opportunity.

The Scottish Government and Skills Development Scotland have confirmed that the target to enhance the job prospects of 25,000 young people through training in a key sector has been met for a second year.

Minister for Youth Employment Angela Constance marked the occasion by meeting a number of MAs working at the Tennent’s Training Academy in Glasgow.

She said: “The Scottish Government recognises the value of the Modern Apprenticeship programme in developing and improving the skills of our young people. An MA gives them a job and a qualification, as well as a real entry point to the working world. This is precisely why we set ourselves the challenging target to offer 25,000 MA opportunities for each year of the current Parliament and I am delighted that the target has again been reached. READMORE
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