Friday, 22 November 2013

Education to Employment Conference 2013 - LAST CHANCE

Education to Employment Conference 2013
November 26th, 09:00 - 15:45
The Beardmore Hotel and Conference Centre

Last chance to book your place at Skills Development Scotland's Education to Employment conference!

"Scotland needs and has the potential to secure a highly educated, skilled and well motivated young workforce able to compete with any in Europe and ensure Scottish business and industry grows in stature at home and abroad."

Commission for Developing Scotland’s Young Workforce, Interim Report

The recent publication of the Wood Commission’s Interim Report sets the backdrop for this event. The agenda for the day will provide opportunities for attendees to:
  • Explore the global challenges being faced by those leading and managing the transition from education to employment
  • Engage in constructive discussion around what currently works in Scotland and why it works - from the perspective of education providers, employers and young people
  • Gain a deeper understanding of the interim findings of the Wood Commission
The conference has been specifically designed for those concerned with the policy and practices surrounding education to employment for young people including:
  • Those involved in the provision of education for young people
  • Those involved in the employment of young people
  • Third sector organisations working with young people at the transition point between formal education and the workforce
The conference has been structured around a number of short presentations and expert panel inputs designed to develop a better understanding of the challenges and stimulate lively group discussions.

The day will have three component parts:
  • Part 1: The global challenges
  • Part 2: Emerging Scottish solutions
  • Part 3: Looking Ahead - The Wood Commission Interim Report
To attend this fantastic conference and have your say, please click here.
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