Friday, 7 June 2013

STF Apprentice of the Year Awards

Apprenticeships in Scotland’s Shannen, Mary and Rebekah attended the Scottish Training Federation’s Apprentice of the Year Awards at the Scottish Parliament on Wednesday 22nd May.

There were several very insightful speeches by Margaret McCulloch MSP, Stuart Leitch Chair STF, John McClelland Chair SDS, Angela Constance MSP Minister for Youth Employment and Colin Dalrymple Chief Executive STF. The speakers were discussing Modern Apprenticeships in Scotland and how they have successfully contributed to tackling youth unemployment. The government’s target of getting 25,000 young people into apprenticeships per year is no longer being seen as an ambitious target but a figure that is being met easily and needs to be increased, enthusiasm was evident throughout the room.

The team would like to congratulate the finalists for the award and not forgetting the overall winner of the Modern Apprentice of the year. It is fantastic that young people are going the extra mile within their apprenticeship and making a valuable contribution to the organisations growth.

If you are interested in attending the Annual STF Conference there is an “Early Bird” Discount on the STF website. Click here for more information.

Should you want more information on how to take on an apprentice and make young people your business, please do not hesitate to contact the Apprenticeships in Scotland team. Click here for more information.
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